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SHIELD collection

Last update: 18/07/2024
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SHIELD collection
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SHIELD a series of ground recessed luminaires from Platek. The collection designed by Jan Van Lierde embodies the purest essentiality and is perfect for adding decorative elements to your exterior. The family is available in three sizes, suitable for highlighting architectural shapes.

Die-cast body manufactured in EN 44300 aluminium alloy with very low copper content. Locking trim and anti-glare visor in painted stainless steel. Subjected to galvanic anodizing treatment divided into distinct phases: mechanical satin finishing, surface degreasing, anodic oxidation and final sealing. The product is painted following a continuous two step paint process (epoxy-based primer + polyester-based colour finish), which allows to generate a single thick protective coating which then generates aprotective barrier against atmospheric agents and UV rays. IP68 protection with Full Dry system which avoids condensation inside the product. The Installation of the recessed housing in cast concrete with a 20-30 cm gravel soakaway. Only an IP68 connection to the power supply can guarantee the same protection to the fixture. Outer Housing and connector to be ordered separately.

  • IP66/IP68 Full Dry (2m)
  • IK10
  • LED
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Product code Description "Source" power Plug-in power max Optics Dimmable Power supply
8461691 SHIELD Medium - 6 LED 2700K 9° 10,0 W 11,0 W TRIAC 220 ÷ 240V
8461611 SHIELD Medium - 6 LED 3000K 9° 10,0 W 11,0 W TRIAC 220 ÷ 240V
8461661 SHIELD Medium - 6 LED 4000K 9° 10,0 W 11,0 W TRIAC 220 ÷ 240V
8461699 SHIELD Medium - 6 LED 2700K Asymmetrical 10,0 W 11,0 W Asymmetrical TRIAC 220 ÷ 240V
8461619 SHIELD Medium - 6 LED 3000K Asymmetrical 10,0 W 11,0 W Asymmetrical TRIAC 220 ÷ 240V
8461669 SHIELD Medium - 6 LED 4000K Asymmetrical 10,0 W 11,0 W Asymmetrical TRIAC 220 ÷ 240V

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