Delicate and bold. Unconventional and versatile.
Enhancing the natural context with a customised design
The Club Med Seychelles is a resort located on the island of Sainte Anne, initiated as an upgrade of the existing structurande.
“The lighting Theme was complex as the preservation of the natural habitat where the resort is located together with the need to satisfy the day to day leisure and entertainment activities of the guests was paramount” claims the Lighting Designer Guido Bianchi of RossiBianchi Design.
With the aim of giving new life to the already existing structure the two designers Nicoletta Rossi and Guido Bianchi designed a custom fixture. The site presented long outdoor pathways with concrete structures along the way where lighting fixtures had been installed previously.
The new fixture manufactured in Stainless Steel, was designed starting from the shape of the base. So to lend with the proportions of the surrounding nature . The monsoon climate that characterizes the Island with high levels of saline humidity was a real challenge in terms of product resistance: the same weather conditions were replicated in the Platek laboratories so to guarantee the longevity of the fixture .
As for the lighting of the entire resort there were two main guidelines : on one hand to give continuity to the lighting of the main paths so to create a connection and on the other to give a distinct and unique effect in the communal areas dedicated to leisure and relax .
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